32Two others, both criminals, were taken along with him for execution.
33When they got to the place called Skull Hill, they crucified him, along with the criminals, one on his right, the other on his left.
34-35Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing."
Dividing up his clothes, they threw dice for them. The people stood there staring at Jesus, and the ringleaders made faces, taunting, "He saved others. Let's see him save himself! The Messiah of God—ha! The Chosen—ha!"
36-37The soldiers also came up and poked fun at him, making a game of it. They toasted him with sour wine: "So you're King of the Jews! Save yourself!"
38Printed over him was a sign: this is the king of the jews.
39One of the criminals hanging alongside cursed him: "Some Messiah you are! Save yourself! Save us!"
40-41But the other one made him shut up: "Have you no fear of God? You're getting the same as him. We deserve this, but not him—he did nothing to deserve this."
42Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom."
43He said, "Don't worry, I will. Today you will join me in paradise."
44-46By now it was noon. The whole earth became dark, the darkness lasting three hours—a total blackout. The Temple curtain split right down the middle. Jesus called loudly, "Father, I place my life in your hands!" Then he breathed his last.
(For easy reference: Since it is not written which side both criminals are at, let's just assume, the criminal on the right is the one that defended Jesus, and the criminal on the left is the one that mocked Jesus)
To me, these two criminals, the right and the left are light the little angel and little devil in our heads. One will question our identity, be very negative and try to manipulate our feelings. The other, always encourage, always help us remember who we are and allow us to have something to hold on to in moments of devastation. Reading this, reminded me again of the constant struggle that HUMAN will always have, and very less likely to escape. Unless if you are dead. The struggle between the flesh and the spirit is always existent.
I was once in the other extremities whereby I succumb very much to the voice of the little devil. But eversince being equipped with the Word of God, I find the little devil's voice being trumped over almost everytime when it tries to voice out. So COOL! haha...But see, the battle between these two voices are always there. When one voice is easily overcome by the other, it doesn't mean the struggle don't exist! It just meant which side you have fed on more, and which side is stronger in your life! That is the reason why people often struggle to do the right thing. At times, they get confused. And they begin to lose sense of who they are and got into the wrong things as they search for their true identity. The battle of the voices is always a battle of identity. Between who you SHOULD be, and who you FEEL like being.
Even Jesus Himself, His identity was questioned over and over again, even nearing death, on the cross, He was again hurled insults and question over and over again. Jesus did not quiver nor was He shaken. He knew exactly who He was and what He was sent to earth for, and He accomplished His mission. Could He have saved Himself? I believe yes. He could have asked the angels to come down and burn everyone who mocked at Him even! But He chose not to. He chose to do the right thing, and stick to the Word of God.
Today in life, when we are faced with difficult situation, even at the brink of the cross, people mock us, whose voice do you listen to? The right or the left? See, Jesus was very secure, and He knew what to respond to. The whole place was mocking Him, even the left criminal. But He gave no respond. But the moment the right criminal defended Him and spoke to Him....He said: Today you will be with me in paradise....
Jesus responded to the right voice. As I said, the voices in our head will constantly make us struggle. Should we be emotional or not? Should we get upset or not? Should we feel certain way? Should we react certain way? What if we feel injustice? In the flesh I feel so much like doing something, I feel so much like sinning!....But which voice would you choose to respond to?
See, it is always easier to respond to the flesh, to the little devil's voice inside of you. Why? Because it gives momentary glory, momentary pleasure. It makes you feel good about YOURSELF. Do you think it is not easy for Jesus to respond to the mockery and say something negative? I believe He struggled to keep His thoughts and actions pure. He was under such torment yet people were still not giving Him a break! He had all the reason to be upset and angry. He had the all the rights to shout at the mocking crowd, defend Himself, and feel good for a little while with all that He was going through. But, He did not. He did not respond at all....But, Jesus chose to ONLY respond when the right criminal spoke to Him....He gave an UNUSUAL respond that is an example for all of us today... When we face the struggle of two voices, what do we do? Ignore the little devil and respond promptly to the little angel! XD
Looking at the right criminal, he too gave an unusual respond! Analyzing this just amazes me. He decided to defend Jesus on the cross because he decided to do the right thing. To defend justice. Despite of what majority were saying, what the crowd was saying. Even on the cross, he could care less about justifying his own life. He defended Jesus instead, in the midst of his punishment, at times when it is understandable for him to curse the law and the unfairness of life. But, he did not. See, let us imagine. Logically if we were put on the cross, in pain and under the heat, wouldn't we just mind our own businesses, and let Jesus worry about His own problem? Well, this criminal to me, is amazing. He didn't just defend Jesus. I believe that very day, this criminal had TRUE REPENTANCE.....maybe he did hear about Jesus. But, I believe more than just true repentance, that very moment on the cross, his eyes were open. He had a REVELATION.
He saw Jesus as more than just another man on the cross along with them. He took the last strength left in his body, defended Jesus, and asked Jesus for forgiveness, and asked Jesus to remember him when His kingdom come...He could have kept quiet and succumb to the voice that said: who are you to ask Jesus to remember you? You are just a criminal! A nobody! You are on the cross now, it is too late to do anything! You couldn't have repay all your mistakes now. Its too late! But he did not. He chose an UNUSUAL respond. He chose to listen to the voice that said: He is the Messiah. The Christ, the Son of the Living God! Ask Him for forgiveness now! You will enter paradise. He did. And tadaa.....He entered heaven that day.
So, who would you listen to? who would you respond to? And who would you want to be?
The right criminal, or the left criminal?
The choice is yours =))
Heh. Nice post Hazel!
ReplyDeleteThat is why our mind is one of the major battlefields that everyone in the world has to face. Overcome the mind, and you will overcome your entire well-being!
awesome...In my opinion, many of us often have problem or struggle in making decision. Some times we might have made wrongly due to tiredness, anger or emotional. Therefore, we ought stay alert from time to time so that we can recognize God's voice clearly.
ReplyDeleteOne of the way to recognize his voice is:
to have a tight-knit relationship with Him,our beloved God.