Job 32 to Job 37
This is the part that I like the most. When Elihu speaks! You see, truly wisdom is not determined by whether you are old or young; wisdom is when the Spirit of God is in you. When Job and his friends were arguing, both parties want to win the argument. Both parties just want to be right. The three friends kept judging and accusing that Job was in sin, and asked him to repent and confess his sins time after time. Job on the other hand, kept defending his innocence, and complained to God about his situation. So, what happen here? Both parties had too much pride to give in!
Now, looking at this, Elihu could not stand and he began speaking. Notice that Elihu was indeed a very respectful. He was aware that the three wise men and Job were much older than him, so he allowed them to speak first (not wanting to cut in, in the midst of arguments). Allow them to argue with one another. And when these two parties finally stopped arguing, Elihu spoke. Looking for the kairos moment is very important. For instance, if Elihu were to speak when they were all arguing, I am assured that nobody would listen, everybody would be too occupied with wanting to be heard, and worst, their ego would be even more so affected. Then, whatever Elihu spoke (no matter how much it made sense), would be in vain.
Now, Elihu was also a man that was very close to the heart of God. Why? He knew the character of God, he has the character of God, and he was angered by what anger God. He was not blinded by circumstances. Job on the other hand was possibly blinded and overwhelmed by his situation. So, Elihu was angry when the conclusion of the discussion concluded with each party wanting to win the conversation. So he spoke. Note that in the verses, it said, that Elihu listened first because he was young (respect), and he was angered when the conclusion of the method was just like that. From within him, he felt his spirit and words wanted to burst out, to correct and rebuke all of them. Hence, I believe he had been prompted by the spirit, and he indeed spoke with wisdom. He even claimed that he would speak of what God wants him to speak, not what people wants to hear. So Elihu, to me is a very respected man. Truly wisdom does not come with age, but with proper application of knowledge guided by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, that is the reason why a lot of times before I speak or counsel, I need to pray. That the Holy Spirit would guide me to speak the right words, to solve issues, and benefit matters rather than cause more problems to it.
So what did Elihu do? Elihu rebuked Job’s three friends for being so judgmental, trying to play God accusing Job. God is indeed just, that He has the authority to do whatever He wants to whoever He likes. After all, our lives belong to Him. Like what is mentioned in the bible, who are we to judge what should happen to our own lives. See, our lives belong to God, even if He wants us all to become dust this instant, we shall be! So who are these wise men to judge that, wow Job, if you are suffering so much, you must have some unconfessed sins…quickly, confess your sins! Don’t be self-righteous…bla bla….
Let’s be honest with ourselves, sometimes we can be like Job’s three friends. We judge and we assume. Wow, this church, they allow people to wear funkily, wow there are so many lights….this must be a CULT. Wow, this church doesn’t speak in tongues, such an old-fashioned wrong church. We judge our neighbors over and over and over again, assuming that there is ONLY ONE FIXED way that God functions. Who are we friends, to predict what God’s intentions are, and the purposes of the things happening in life? Who are we? God? Can we understand His mysteries? No! Therefore, don’t judge!
Then Elihu went on rebuking Job, for complaining to God that he has to suffer even though he has been faithful to God. So Elihu asked Job one thing that really impacted me:
Job 35:
6 If you sin, how does that affect him?
If your sins are many, what does that do to him?
7 If you are righteous, what do you give to him,
or what does he receive from your hand?
8 Your wickedness affects only a man like yourself,
and your righteousness only the sons of men.
So, to Job, he felt discouraged and was deeply overwhelmed by the oppression. I believe in simple terms, Job was asking God, "Why God? Why all these? Why life so meaningless? Why me?" So in other words, Job was indicating that he do not understand why he should be in such a sitatuion. He was suffering terribly and he cannot take it! Like some of us, we would ask: “God, why does this thing have to happen! I already pray, yet it still happens! I am angry!!” But guess how Elihu responded to Job’s attitude? Elihu asked Job: So if you sin, do you think it affect God or if you not sin does it affect God? It only affects men like you and I! Some people think that when they sin, they are getting back at God, but hey….here is a revelation for all of you today….nothing you do can affect God at all. It can only affect yourselves and others. And a lot of time, God forbids you from doing certain things because He loves the world enough to not want you or others to suffer the consequences. So here, Elihu was rebuking Job for mistakenly judging the loving character of God, as one that is of injustice and empty anger. Job was rebuked for complaining against God and not understanding God’s true nature.
Many a times, we are like that. Just like Job. And we get upset with life, and we try to get back at God (but note that Job did not). But in the end, we are the ones who suffer the consequences ourselves. And when trials, tribulations wave into our lives, we become so overwhelmed, that we forget the good things God gave to us. We only look at the bad side, and keep asking why, keep feeling unfair, and keep wanting to be the “God” over our own lives, telling God how He should treat us, pamper us, reward us for the good things we have done in life. But friends, it is understandable that you felt things were unfair, but it is not for you to question God why your life need to be in a certain way. We need to remember the true nature of God even when times are bad. That is one way to counter misconceptions about God’s love, justice and so forth. We need to know God!
In these chapters, one wise man, Elihu, who speaks of what God wants him to speak, indeed was able to change the perspective of another person. From here, we saw that God used the ordinary people to do the extraordinary things….and He often uses the unexpected. In this case, Elihu, a man that was youngest of all, spoke such wisdom. And wise words often bring life. Like I often say to Shirley, my leader, her one word can change life. Because of the wisdom and the anointing of God within her that when she speaks, she gives insights and revelations.
Do you want to be Elihu today? Do you want to be less judgmental, and carry a good attitude even when you are going through trials and tribulations? Everything you want to be is determined by the decisions you make. Life is about making CHOICES!
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