Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Lord Speaks...(my personal favorite)

I find this part really interesting and I like it a lot.


Job 38 - Job 39

And the Lord finally speaks. Job complained, complained...and finally God speaks! See....I find it very interesting. At least to my own application in my own life. Sometimes, I think there is a linkage between a wise person talking on behalf of God, then God speaks. See...A lot of times in my life, when I talk to my leader about certain issues, my mind were clouded, cluttered and unable to function. So, when I sit down and talk to a wise person, like Shirley or Pastor....suddenly they bring in a new perspective that  you have never thought of before.  And it allows your mind to be open! When your mind is open...tadaaa....God speaks, you hear.

In the case of Job, Elihu was there rebuking Job, telling him off why he was at fault, why he shouldn't have reacted certain way. I believe, Job's mind was also open by the perspective and the reminder given by Elihu. And the moment his mind was open, he heard  God spoke. Now, I do not know if God speaks to Job in audible voices back then. But as far as I know, I have never heard God speaks in audible voice in my life. But each time He speaks, I knew He had spoken. So you see now, why is accountability to leaders and telling the right people (the people who are able to help you) your problems are very important? They help you enlightened and open up your mind to a whole new perspectives. And when that happens, your mind are no longer cluttered or disturbed, and when God speaks, you can hear clearly the voice of God. Likewise, when you tell the wrong person your problems, your mind will become even more cluttered and messy! So be wise! Know who to talk to if you want a solution.

This is very true to me. And indeed, right after Elihu rebuked Job, God spoke, and God began questioning Job the same thing that Elihu did. He asked Job, who were the One that created things and make the many things on earth function so on and so forth. Job kept quiet all the way....until in chapter 40, you would see that God told Job: Let him who accusses God answer him!...God demanded an answer from Job. God wants Job to know that He was in control. He was the one that makes everything on earth, and He is in control of what is going on in Job's life. So in other words, Job had no right to complain to God because it was God who is in control of everything, and God KNOWS what He was doing! Even in His sufferings!

Also..God asked Job this very specific question in chapter 38: who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?

So how can God's counsel be darken? It is when we profusely enter words without knowledge = words not in the bible, words that is not defined by the character of God, words that ar contradicting the Word of God, thoughts that are damaging and are negative, words  that are negative, perspectives that are totally irrelevant...never from God, thoughts that are not tallied with who God is, into our little brains! THESE THINGS...will darken God's counsel.....and it will dimmed the voice of God, drained out the confidence in God, and rob what you have with God away. So how come Job suddenly could start hearing from God again? In my own personal opinion, the wise man, brought back LIGHT into the darken mind of Job.  And finally, Job is able to be enlightened and hear from God again.

Hence, a lot of time, I always tell my members or people who ask me...why do we need to be accountable to leaders or wise people in our lives? I said one thing: When you are unable to bring whatever you do into the light, into the open  whether to leaders or to will always be in the dark. Your mind will be darken by thoughts, lies, uncertanities, wrong solutions.....and it will haunt  you and drag you down even deeper. That is one of the enemy's plot to pull you away from God!  But when you force yourself to reveal it in the allow light to shine, you allow your leaders to help you, give advises, allow him or her to pray for you...constantly the matter is in the light, issues are being shone upon with the Light of will have a clear mind, clear conscience, not living in guilt, and you will often know the right way to react, respond, and solve problems. Hence, I always choose...whatever I do, good or bad, I CHOOSE to reveal it in the open, not because my leader is a busybody, but for my own breakthrough sake...and allow my leaders to come in the midst and shine his or her light upon darkened counsel. Sinning continuously even when you know its a sin, will also darken your counsel...hammer down your conscience and bring about downfall in your walk with God. it is.One of my favorite post. This is how I reflect upon what I have studied witho the book of Job. But like I said, the word of God, at different season of life will mean different thing to different people. Sometimes, it is only milk, then it becomes bread, then solid food. So I welcome opinion and sharings. Do listen to Pastor Kong's sermon about Job too. I heard that it is pretty awesome, and you can get a whole loads of new insights from there too.

All in all, with the post, I thank God for people like Elihu over my life, and I pray that I can be like Elihu too. :)). Do not speak of what man favor. But speak of the truth, correct and rebuke, do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

With love.


  1. amen.miss ur preaching la hazel..

  2. Daniel, I will be seeing you soon! I preach to you whole day, k? BS on when I balik ya? teehee...

    Check out my other blog: posted on your supergirl picture. hahaha! :P
